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Updated: Jan 11, 2019

Let me be the first to welcome all our friends to the brand spankin’ new website for the Manitou Music Foundation! Now we will be able to bring you the news and events happening all around our beautiful city in an all-inclusive format. If you are interested in things like local shows, artist interviews, fun events and prizes? Then let this be your new one stop Manitou shop!

Is it perfect? Not even close. Like all great art projects, we expect this site to grow and evolve with time. After all, "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step" and though this isn’t our first step on this journey by a long shot, it is still a big one. Thank you so much for your support. It is because of you that we have gotten this far. It is only together, that we will succeed.

Stay tuned!


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Founded in 2018, we are a non-profit, musician guided, community based foundation, supporting live music and community music programs in Manitou Springs and the surrounding area.

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Manitou Music Foundation

PO Box 333

Manitou Springs, CO 80829

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